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Forestry Impacts Graphics Forestry Facts

Total Land Area (ac):
167.5 million

Forest Land Area (ac):
12.1 million

Timberland Area (ac):
12.0 million

Private Ownership (%):
92% of timberland

FIA 2014 Survey

Map of the Southern United States Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia

Forestry Impacts Graphics Economic Impact Reports*

During the past decade, the wood-based industry has remained one of the top 10 manufacturing sectors in the state...Texas forests also provide environmental goods and services such as regulating local climate, protecting water resources, improving wildlife habitats, species diversity and other non-material cultural benefits.

- Economic Impact of the Texas Forest Sector, 2012

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* As of 2015, no standard methodology exists for producing economic impact or economic contribution reports. Please exercise caution when viewing and comparing reports as each may vary significantly in terms of source data and analysis and reporting methodology.