State Resources
Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Southern RegionArkansas Forestry Facts
Total Land Area (ac):
33.3 million
Forest Land Area (ac):
19.0 million
Timberland Area (ac):
18.5 million
Private Ownership (%):
83% of timberland
FIA 2014 Survey

Arkansas Economic Impact Reports*
The story of the Arkansas a remarkable one of many people and organizations, public and private, working with and improving on nature over many years to turn an almost completely depleted major natural resource into one of great value to the state and its people.
- Arkansas Forest HistoryRecent News
Westerman, Bipartisan Congressmen Launch Working Forests Caucus New Interactive Map Tells Story of Forest Products in the SouthExternal Resources
2022 Report on Economic Contribution of Arkansas Forest Industries Arkansas Department of Agriculture Arkansas Forestry Association - Economic Impact Arkansas Forestry Association 2021 Annual Report Arkansas Forestry Commission State Industry Economic Impact: 2017 Timber Outlook for Arkansas: 2021 U of A, Cooperative Extension Service U of A, Cooperative Extension Service Publications U of A, Division of Agriculture Economic ContributionAre we missing any publications?
Let us know!
Timber Industry Report
Arkansas Economic Development Commission -
State Industry Economic Impact
American Forest & Paper Association
State Industry Economic Impact
American Forest & Paper Association -
Economic Contribution of Agriculture and Food to Arkansas' Gross Domestic Product 1997-2011
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the Arkansas Economy in 2012
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Economic Contribution of Arkansas Agriculture 2014
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Economic Contribution of Agriculture and Food to Arkansas' Gross Domestic Product 1997-2012
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
Economic Contribution of Arkansas Agriculture 2013
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the Arkansas Economy in 2011
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
State Industry Economic Impact
American Forest & Paper Association -
Economic Contribution of Arkansas Agriculture 2012
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the Arkansas Economy in 2010
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
Economic Contribution of Arkansas Agriculture 2011
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Forest & Paper Industry at a Glance
American Forest & Paper Association -
Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the Arkansas Economy in 2009
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the Arkansas Economy in 2008
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Arkansas' Forests, 2010
USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station -
Economic Contribution of Agriculture to the Arkansas Economy in 2010
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
Economic Contribution of Agriculture to the Arkansas Economy in 2009
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Economic Contribution of the Agricultural Sector to the Arkansas Economy in 2007
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
Impact of the Agricultural Sector on the Arkansas Economy in 2001
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Arkansas' Forests, 2005
USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station -
An Economic Assessment of Arkansas' Forest Industries: Challenges and Opportunities for the 21st Century
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
Impact of the Agricultural Sector on the Arkansas Economy
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture -
Solid Ground. Impact of Agriculture of the Arkansas Economy
University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture
* As of 2015, no standard methodology exists for producing economic impact or economic contribution reports. Please exercise caution when viewing and comparing reports as each may vary significantly in terms of source data and analysis and reporting methodology.